As an international collaborative framework, Adaptive Environments is advancing cutting-edge research around spatial constructs and systems that are specifically designed to be adaptive to their surroundings and to their inhabitants. The creation and understanding of such adaptive environments spans the expertise of multiple disciplines, from architecture to design, from materials to urban research, from wearable technologies to robotics, from data mining to machine learning and from sociology to psychology. Focus is on interaction between human and non-human agents, with people being both the drivers and recipients of adaptivity as that is embedded into environments. The focus is also on design, from the inception to the development and to the operation of adaptive environments, while considering digital technologies as underpinning the experimental and every-day implementations in this area. MORE INFO
9th December Henriette Bier is invited reviewer at the final demo of the Architectural Robotics lab, Cornell University.
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February-May 2024, Henriette Bier participates with the Robotic Building team in the SHErobots: Ecologies of Care exhibit and events series at TU Delft Library.
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Henriette Bier is invited to act as PhD examiner of PhD cand. Maj Plemenitas at the RMIT’s PRS event in Barcelona.
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