Just finished the robotic 3D printing of the first wooden ‘planetoid’ from a series of bio-cyber-physical planetoids!
Interaction & Experience Design Research Lab from Politecnico Milano joins the Adaptive Environments Network
19-21 February Henriette Bier participates in the PhD Design Festival as member of PhD Examination Board at Politecnico di Milano.
November 18th 2019, Henriette Bier lectures and reviews PhD students at Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa Campus Room B2.2.6
The SPOOL CpA #2 issue that Henriette Bier co-edited with Sang Lee is now indexed in Scopus and available online!
28-29 March Henriette Bier participates as invited speaker at Architecture + Environment 2: New Environments Symposium, TU Vienna
The quest for saving the biosphere of Earth from accumulative and accelerating human impact in the so-called age of the Anthropocene brings with it significant efforts in research across many disciplines to meet complex and dynamic challenges. One key aspect in this quest is the advancement of the notion of ‘environment’ in terms of what is meant by it and how to support it accordingly. For architects, urban designers and landscape architects the question arises whether architecture could be in the service of the bio-physical environment.
This symposium collects together various disciplines, knowledge fields, approaches, expertise and methods that together can contribute to this effort. This includes human and environment relations, biology and ecology, urban metabolism, industrial ecology, architecture and environment interactions, the role of data, surveying and sensing, as well as technological advances that enable human-designed adaptive environments.
Second in a series of symposia that are organized in collaboration between the Technical University in Vienna and the Technical University in Munich, this event seeks to set the scene for advancing inter- and transdisciplinary efforts in rethinking the notion of environment and the role of constructions and their interaction with it.
12-14 March 2019 Variable Stiffness chaise longue is exhibited at Material District, Ahoy Rotterdam
12-14 March 2019 Variable Stiffness chaise longue designed and developed at TU Delft by Henriëtte Bier and Arwin Hidding in collaboration with TUE, EPFL, and 3D-Robotprinting is exhibited at Material District, Ahoy Rotterdam (https://rotterdam.materialdistrict.nl).
1-3 March, Henriette Bier presents Design-to-Robotic-Production-Assembly and -Operation at Living Architecture Systems Group Symposium @University of Waterloo, Toronto
Presented by Living Architecture Systems Group in association with Ontario College of Art and Design University and University of Waterloo
The Living Architecture Systems Group (LASG) is celebrating the halfway mark of its multi-year SSHRC Partnership Grant with the March 2019 Symposium at OCAD University (OCAD U) in the heart of downtown Toronto. Approximately 60 LASG researchers from Canada, USA and Europe will gather with friends, collaborators, and students to share their works in progress.